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First 206 results for ”AP Vasilkov”

  1. Adapting to extreme weather events: perspectives of social actors

    Climate change is expected to have an impact on the likelihood of the occurrence and duration of ...

    E Vasileiadou, M Hisschemöller, C Betgen, I de Hoog, W Hazeleger, E Min, A Petersen | Status: submitted | Journal: Glob. Env. Change | Year: 2011


  2. Vast CO2 release from Australian fires in 2019–2020 constrained by satellite

    Southeast Australia experienced intensive and geographically extensive wildfires during the 2019–...

    van der Velde, Ivar R.; van der Werf, Guido R.; Houweling, Sander; Maasakkers, Joannes D.; Borsdorff, Tobias; Landgraf, Jochen; Tol, Paul; van Kempen, Tim A.; van Hees, Richard; Hoogeveen, Ruud; Veefkind, J. Pepijn; Aben, Ilse | Journal: Nature | Year: 2021 | doi:


  3. The association between ambient UVB dose and ANCA-associated vasculitis relapse and onset

    Background The aetiology of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) and triggers of relapse are poorl...

    Scott, J., Havyarimana, E., Navarro-Gallinad, A., White, A., Wyse, J., van Geffen, J., van Weele, M., Buettner, A., Wanigasekera, T., Walsh, A., Aslett, L., Kelleher, J.D., Power, J., Ng, J., O'Sullivan, D., Hederman, L., Basu, N., Little, M.A. and Zgaga, L | Journal: Arthritis Research & Therapy | Year: 2022 | doi:


  4. Tales of Future Weather

    W Hazeleger, BJJM van den Hurk, E Min, GJ van Oldenborgh, X Wang, AC Petersen, L Smith, DA Stainforth, E Vasileiadou | Status: published | Journal: Nature Climate Change | Volume: 5 | Year: 2015 | First page: 107 | Last page: 113 | doi: 10.1038/nclimate2450


  5. Weather-induced crop failure events under climate change: a storyline approach

    Unfavourable weather is a common cause for crop failures all over the world. Whilst extreme weath...

    H Goulart, K van der Wiel, C Folberth, J Balkovic, B van den Hurk | Journal: Earth System Dynamics | Volume: 12 | Year: 2021 | First page: 1503 | Last page: 1527 | doi: 10.5194/esd-12-1503-2021
