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First 727 results for ”GY El Serafy”

  1. TR 5.3 Summary of methodology and temperature series

    This report summarizes the results and methodologies that have been obtained by individual member...

    C Schmidt, S Wust, M Bittner, PSM Smets | Year: 2013


  2. CS8: Times series information, Final report

    The CS8 project focuses on the digitization of data sources of long time series of meteorological...

    T Brandsma, R Jilderda | Year: 2011


  3. PROMOTE ESA GMES Service Element

    APH Goede | Year: 2004


  4. Service Quality Assessment Report Air Pollution

    RJ van der A, et al. | Year: 2005


  5. Homogenization of daily ECA&D temperature series

    The daily maximum and minimum temperature series of the European Climate Assessment & Dataset...

    AA Squintu, G van der Schrier, Y Brugnara, AMG Klein Tank | Status: published | Journal: Int. J. Climatology | Year: 2018 | doi: doi:10.1002/joc.5874
