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First 2020 results for ” Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya”

  1. Impact of synthetic space-borne NO2 observations from the Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5P missions on tropospheric NO2 analyses

    We present an Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) dedicated to the evaluation of the ad...

    R Timmermans, A Segers, L Curier, R Abida, JL Attie, L El Amraoui, H Eskes, J de Haan, A Oude Nijhuis, P Veefkind | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 19 | Year: 2019 | First page: 12811 | Last page: 12833 | doi:


  2. On the upgrading of the modified Carbon Bond Mechanism IV for use in global Chemistry Transport Models

    The modified Carbon Bond Mechanism 4 (Houweling et al., 1998) has been updated to include the mos...

    JE Williams, TPC van Noije | Year: 2008 | Pages: 64


  3. Grondtemperaturen

    This report is a revision of the Scientific Report W.R. 74-14. Soil temperature measurements at n...

    P.C.T. van der Hoeven en W.N. Lablans | Year: 1992 | Pages: 59


  4. Distortion of the wind field by the Cabauw meteorological tower

    Measurements of wind direction and velocity at and near the Cabauw meteorological tower are distu...

    H.R.A. Wessels | Year: 1983 | Pages: 36


  5. De zonsverduistering van 11 augustus 1999 - deel 1 - De waarnemingen van het gedrag van Flora en Fauna

    Duisternis over de aarde is voor mens en dier soms beangstigend. Schemering heeft dat wat minder....

    Jacob Kuiper | Year: 1999 | Pages: 55
