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First 2305 results for ”F Sperna Weiland”

  1. Wave data assimilation in the WAM wave model

    Using the adjoint technique, wave height data have been assimilated into the third generation oce...

    MM de las Heras, G Burgers, PAEM Janssen | Status: published | Journal: J. Marine Systems | Volume: 6 | Year: 1995 | First page: 77 | Last page: 85 | doi: 10.1016/0924-7963(94)00019-8


  2. Regionalisation of meteorological parameters

    This paper deals with the problem of regionalisation of meteorological data. Regionalised meteoro...

    WC de Rooy | Year: 1995 | Pages: 0


  3. Preliminary results on a comparison of shallow-water wave predictions

    Predictions from two different wave models on wave height, low frequency wave height, wind speed ...

    E. Bouws, B.W. Golding, G.J. Komen, H.H. Peeck, M.J.M Saraber | Year: 1980 | Pages: 34


  4. Validation strategy for satellite observations of tropospheric reactive gases

    Satellite observations of tropospheric reactive gases are an integral part of the earth observing...

    A Richter, M Weber, JP Burrows, J-C Lambert, JAE van Gijsel | Journal: Annals of Geophysics | Volume: 56 | Year: 2013 | doi: 10.4401/ag-6335


  5. Reflectance comparison between SCIAMACHY and a radiative transfer code in the UV

    SCIAMACHY, onboard Envisat, is an Earth-monitoring spectrometer over the wavelength range 240-240...

    LG Tilstra, G van Soest, M de Graaf, JR Acarreta, P Stammes | Conference: Second Workshop on the Atmospheric Chemistry Validation of ENVISAT (ACVE-2) | Organisation: ESA-ESRIN | Place: Frascati, Italy | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
