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First 181 results for ” A Seed”

  1. Evaluation of the diurnal cycle in the atmospheric boundary layer over land as represented by a variety of single column models - the second GABLS experiment

    This paper presents the main results from the second model inter-comparison within GEWEX Atmosphe...

    G Svensson, AMM Holtslag, V Kumar, T Mauritsen, GJ Steeneveld, WM Angevine, E Bazile, A Beljaars, EIF de Bruijn, A Cheng, L Conangla, J Cuxart, M Ek, MJ Falk, F Freedman | Status: accepted | Journal: Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | Year: 2011


  2. Single-column model intercomparison for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer

    Abstract. The parameterization of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer is a difficult...

    J Cuxart, AAM Holtslag, RJ Beare, E Bazile, A Beljaars, A Cheng, L Conangla, M Ek, F Freedman, R Hamdi, A Kernstein, H Kitagawa, G Lenderink, D Lewellen, J Mailhot | Status: published | Journal: Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | Volume: 118 | Year: 2006 | First page: 273 | Last page: 303 | doi: 10.1007/s10546-005-3780-1


  3. Investigating African trace gas sources, vertical transport, and oxidation using IAGOS-CARIBIC measurements between Germany and South Africa between 2009 and 2011

    Between March 2009 and March 2011 a commercial airliner equipped with a custom built measurement ...

    UR Thorenz, AK Baker, EC Leedham Elvidge, C Sauvage, H Riede, PFJ van Velthoven, M Hermann, DE Oram, CAM Brenninkmeijer, A Zahn, J Williams | Status: published | Journal: Atmos. Environm. | Year: 2017 | First page: 11 | Last page: 26 | doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.03.021


  4. Mercury plumes in the global upper troposphere observed during flights with the CARIBIC observatory from May 2005 until June 2013.

    F Slemr, A Weigelt, R Ebinghaus, C Brenninkmeijer, A Baker, T Schuck, A Rauthe-Schoch, H Riede, E Leedham, M Hermann, PFJ van Velthoven, D Oram, D O Sullivan, , C Dyroff, A. Zahn, H Ziereis | Status: accepted | Journal: Atmosphere | Volume: 5 | Year: 2014 | First page: 342 | Last page: 369 | doi: 10.3390/atmos5020342


  5. Three Ways Forward to Improve Regional Information for Extreme Events: An Early Career Perspective

    This paper provides an early career researchers (ECRs) perspective on major challenges and opport...

    Gaby S Langendijk, Caroline Aubry-Wake, Marisol Osman, Carla Gulizia, Faten Attig-Bahar, Erik Behrens, André Bertoncini, Neil Hart, Victor S Indasi, Silvia Innocenti, Eveline C Van Der Linden, Nabir Mamnun, Kabir Rasouli, Kevin A Reed, Nina Ridder, Juan Rivera, Romina Ruscica, Bethel U Ukazu, Jakub P Walawender, Dean P Walker, Beth J Woodhams, Yeliz A Yılmaz | Journal: Frontiers in Environmental Science | Volume: 7 | Year: 2019 | doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00006
