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First 906 results for ” B Abresser-Rastburg”

  1. Validation of an EnKF System for OGCM Initialization Assimilating Temperature, Salinity, and Surface Height Measurements

    O Leeuwenburgh | Status: published | Journal: Mon. Wea. Rev. | Volume: 135 | Year: 2007 | First page: 125 | Last page: 139 | doi: 10.1175/MWR3272.1


  2. A guide to the Nedwam wave model

    Nedwam is a numerical model for making North Sea wave forecasts. The Nedwam software is a KNMI pr...

    G Burgers | Year: 1990


  3. Comments on \"Estimates of kinetic energy dissipation under breaking waves\"

    It is noted that the results of recent experiments on the enhancement of turbulent kinetic energy...

    G Burgers | Status: published | Journal: J. Phys. Oceanogr. | Volume: 27 | Year: 1997 | First page: 2306 | Last page: 2307


  4. Implementation and testing of an Ensemble Kalman Filter assimilation system for the Max Planck Institute Ocean General Circulation Model

    This report describes the design, implementation and testing of a sequential ocean data assimila...

    O Leeuwenburgh | Year: 2004


  5. Inpassing van Meteosat informatie in de meteorologische besluitvorming

    Inpassing van Meteosat informatie in de meteorologische besluitvorming

    J. Roodenburg | Year: 1988 | Pages: 31
