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First 911 results for ” Dim Coumou”

  1. Two dimensional variational ambiguity removal (2DVAR)

    This technical report describes the two dimensional variational ambiguity removal (2DVAR) method ...

    J Vogelzang | Year: 2007


  2. Analysis of the ASCAT 3-dimensional measurement space

    The ASCAT instrument onboard MetOp is a real aperture vertically polarized C-band radar with high...

    M Portabella, A Stoffelen, M Roca | Conference: First EPS/MetOp RAO Workshop | Organisation: ESA | Place: Frascati, Italy | Year: 2006 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  3. Chaos and coupling : a coupled atmosphere ocean-boxmodel for coupled behaviour studies

    Chaos and coupling : a coupled atmosphere ocean-boxmodel for coupled behaviour studies

    G Zondervan | Year: 1996 | Pages: 49


  4. Wind-over-waves coupling

    VK Makin, VN Kudryavtsev | Year: 2003


  5. Coupled sea surface-atmospheric model 1. Wind over waves coupling

    A wind over waves coupling scheme to be used in a coupled wind waves-atmosphere model is describe...

    VK Makin, VN Kudryavtsev | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 104 | Year: 1999 | First page: 7613 | Last page: 7623
