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First 978 results for ” John Wilkin”

  1. Estimation of extreme floods in the river Rhine basin by combining precipitation-runoff modelling and a rainfall generator

    M Eberle, H Buiteveld, J Beersma, P Krahe, K Wilke | Conference: International Conference on Flood Estimation | Organisation: CHR Report II-17 | Place: March 6-8, Berne, Switserland | First page: 459 | Last page: 467


  2. Top-Down NOX Emissions of European Cities Based on the Downwind Plume of Modelled and Space-Borne Tropospheric NO2 Columns

    Top-down estimates of surface NOX emissions were derived for 23 European cities based on the down...

    Verstraeten, Willem W., Klaas Folkert Boersma, John Douros, Jason E. Williams, Henk Eskes, Fei Liu, Steffen Beirle, and Andy Delcloo | Journal: Sensors | Volume: 18, no. 9: 2893 | Year: 2018 | doi:


  3. Quantifying the single-scattering albedo for the January 2017 Chile wildfires from simulations of the OMI absorbing aerosol index

    The absorbing aerosol index (AAI) is a qualitative parameter directly calculated from satellite-m...

    J Sun, JP Veefkind, PFJ van Velthoven, PF Levelt | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 11 | Year: 2018 | First page: 5261 | Last page: 5277 | doi: 10.5194/amt-11-5261-2018


  4. Satellite Remote Sensing of Surface Winds, Waves, and Currents: Where are we Now?

    This review paper reports on the state-of-the-art concerning observations of surface winds, waves...

    Danièle Hauser, Saleh Abdalla, Fabrice Ardhuin, Jean-Raymond Bidlot, Mark Bourassa, David Cotton, Christine Gommenginger, Hayley Evers-King, Harald Johnsen, John Knaff, Samantha Lavender, Alexis Mouche, Nicolas Reul, Charles Sampson, Edward C.C Steele and Ad Stoffelen | Journal: Surveys in Geophysics | Volume: 44 | Year: 2023 | First page: 1357 | Last page: 1446 | doi:


  5. Estimating lockdown-induced European NO2 changes using satellite and surface observations and air quality models

    This study provides a comprehensive assessment of NO2 changes across the main European urban area...

    Jérôme Barré, John Douros | Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Volume: Volume 21, Issue 9 | Year: 2021 | doi:
