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First 530 results for ” Pepijn; Lamsal”

  1. Statistical post processing of model output from the air quality model LOTOS-EUROS

    A Pijnappel | Year: 2011 | Pages: 52


  2. Statistical post processing of model output from the air quality model LOTOS-EUROS

    A Pijnappel | Year: 2011 | Pages: 52


  3. Analyzing the Impact of Evolving Combustion Conditions on the Composition of Wildfire Emissions Using Satellite Data


    Lindsey D. Anderson, Barbara Dix, Jordan Schnell, Robert Yokelson, J. Pepijn Veefkind, Ravan Ahmadov, Joost de Gouw | Journal: Geophysical Research Letters | Year: 2023 | doi:


  4. Quantifying NOx Emissions from U.S. Oil and Gas Production Regions Using TROPOMI NO2

    The production of crude oil and natural gas is associated with emissions of air pollutants, such ...

    Dix, Barbara; Francoeur, Colby; Li, Meng; Serrano-Calvo, Raquel; Levelt, Pieternel F.; Veefkind, J. Pepijn; McDonald, Brian C.; de Gouw, Joost | Journal: ACS Earth and Space Chemistry | Year: 2022 | doi:


  5. Daily Satellite Observations of Methane from Oil and Gas Production Regions in the United States

    Production of oil and natural gas in North America is at an all-time high due to the development ...

    de Gouw, Joost A.; Veefkind, J. Pepijn; Roosenbrand, Esther; Dix, Barbara; Lin, John C.; Landgraf, Jochen; Levelt, Pieternel F. | Journal: Scientific Reports | Year: 2020 | doi:
