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First 374 results for ” Rivo Uiboupin”

  1. Metingen in buitenlucht op het RIVM-terrein in Bilthoven na het Fukushima kernongeval in maart 2011

    De in Nederland gemeten radioactiviteit uit Japan ligt duizenden keren lager dan tijdens Tsjernob...

    RMW Overwater, PJM Kwakman, CJW Twenhofel, GJ Knetsch, MP Scheele, PFJ van Velthoven, P Le Sager, FC Kroonenberg, RCGM Smetsers | Year: 2011


  2. Design discharge of the large rivers in The Netherlands - towards a new methodology

    The design discharge of the large rivers in The Netherlands has been derived from statistical ana...

    BWAH Parmet, TA Buishand, T Brandsma, R Mulders | Conference: Hydrological Extremes: Understanding, Predicting, Mitigating | Organisation: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) | Place: Birmingham | First page: 269 | Last page: 272


  3. Application of a weather generator to simulate extreme river discharges in the Rhine and Meuse basins

    Flood protection along the main rivers in the Netherlands is based on design discharges with an e...

    R Leander, H Buiteveld, MJM de Wit, TA Buishand | Conference: NCR dagen | Place: Wageningen | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  4. Resampling of regional climate model output for the simulation of extreme river flows

    R Leander, TA Buishand | Status: published | Journal: J. Hydrol. | Volume: 332 | Year: 2007 | First page: 487 | Last page: 496


  5. How to obtain probabilistic discharge scenarios for the Meuse and Rhine rivers?

    J Beersma | Year: 2016
