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First 1362 results for ” Roberto Carlucci”

  1. Photochemical sensitivity to emissions and local meteorology in Bogotá, Santiago, and São Paulo: An analysis of the initial COVID-19 lockdowns

    This study delves into the photochemical atmospheric changes reported globally during the pandemi...

    Rodrigo J. Seguel, Laura Gallardo, Mauricio Osses, Néstor Y. Rojas, Thiago Nogueira, Camilo Menares, Maria de Fatima Andrade, Luis C. Belalcázar, Paula Carrasco, Henk Eskes, Zoë L. Fleming, Nicolas Huneeus, Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa, Eduardo Landulfo, Manuel Leiva, Sonia C. Mangones, Fernando G. Morais, Gregori A. Moreira, Nicolás Pantoja, Santiago Parraguez, Jhojan P. Rojas, Roberto Rondanelli, Izabel da Silva Andrade, Richard Toro, Alexandre C. Yoshida | Journal: Science of the Anthropocene | Year: 2022 | doi:


  2. Improving weather and climate predictions by training of supermodels

    Recent studies demonstrate that weather and climate predictions potentially improve by dynamicall...

    Francine Schevenhoven, Frank Selten, Alberto Carrassi, Noel Keenlyside | Journal: Earth System Dynamics | Volume: 10 | Year: 2019 | First page: 789 | Last page: 807 | doi:


  3. Could an extremely cold central European winter such as 1963 happen again despite climate change?

    Central European winters have warmed markedly since the mid-20th century. Yet cold winters are st...

    Sebastian Sippel, Clair Barnes, Camille Cadiou, Erich Fischer, Sarah Kew, Marlene Kretschmer, Sjoukje Philip, Theodore G Shepherd, Jitendra Singh, Robert Vautard, Pascal Yiou | Journal: EGUsphere | Volume: 5 | Year: 2024 | First page: 943 | Last page: 957 | doi:


  4. Baseline surface radiation data snapshot 2023-03-31 [dataset]

    BSRN is a project of the Data and Analysis Panel from the Global Energy and Water Exchange (GEWEX...

    Lanconelli, Christian; Riihimaki, Laura; Driemel, Amelie; Augustine, John; Badosa, Jordi; Baika, Sidi; Bonifaz, Roberto; Carstea, Emil; Colle, Sergio; Cox, Christopher J; Cuevas-Agulló, Emilio; da Silva, Alexandre K; Denn, Fred M; Duck, Benjamin; Duprat, Thierry; Fabbri, Bryan; Fekete, Dénes; Hodgetts, Grant; Ijima, Osamu; Kallis, Ain; Knap, Wouter; Kustov, Vasilii; Lin, Kun-Wei; Lupi, Angelo; Maturilli, Marion; Morel, Beatrice; Ntsangwane, Lucky; Ohtake, Jun; Olano, Xabier; Olefs, Marc; Omori, Masao; Ogawa, Yutaka; Piters, Ankie; Ramanathan, Karthik; Schmithüsen, Holger; Suarez, Luis; Tully, Matt; Vogt, Roland; Vuilleumier, Laurent; Wacker, Stefan; Xia, Xiangao | Year: 2023



    Seastar is a new Earth Explorer mission concept dedicated to observing fast-evolving small-scale ...

    Christine Gommenginger. Aida Alvera-Azcarate, Ole Baltazar Andersen, Fabrice Ardhuin, Antonio Bonaduce, Øyvind Breivik, Fabrice Collard, Mohammed Dabboor, Robert King, Joanna Staneva, Ad Stoffelen, David Woolf | Year: 2023
