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First 1425 results for ”Clare Mary Goodess ”

  1. Evaluating Climate Models: The ARM Data-Oriented Metrics and Diagnostics Toolkit

    By exploiting molecular scattering in clear air, Aeolus addresses the increasing demand for ver...

    Ad Stoffelen, Angela Benedetti, Régis Borde, Alain Dabas, Pierre Flamant, Mary Forsythe, R Michael Hardesty, Lars Isaksen, Erland Källén, Heiner Körnich, Tsengdar Lee, Oliver Reitebuch, Michael Rennie, Lars-Peter Riishøjgaard, Harald Schyberg, Anne Grete Straume, Michael Vaughan | Journal: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | Volume: 102 | Year: 2021 | doi:


  2. Wind Profile Satellite Observation Requirements and Capabilities

    The Aeolus mission objectives are to improve numerical weather prediction (NWP) and enhance the u...

    Ad Stoffelen, Angela Benedetti, Régis Borde, Alain Dabas, Pierre Flamant, Mary Forsythe, Mike Hardesty, Lars Isaksen, Erland Källén, Heiner Körnich, Tsengdar Lee, Oliver Reitebuch, Michael Rennie, Lars-Peter Riishøjgaard, Harald Schyberg, Anne Grete Straume, Michael Vaughan | Journal: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | Volume: 101 | Year: 2020 | doi:


  3. Gevoelstemperatuur en marathonschaatsen

    Douwe de Vries, marathonschaatser van beroep, verzocht Hein Daanen en mij om mee te werken aan de...

    G Groen | Journal: Schaatsen | Year: 2010


  4. Evaluation of CLARA-A2 and ISCCP-H Cloud Cover Climate Data Records over Europe with ECA&D Ground-Based Measurements

    Clouds are of high importance for the climate system but they still remain one of its principal u...

    Tzallas, V., Hatzianastassiou, N., Benas, N., Meirink, J. F., Matsoukas, C., Stackhouse, P., and Vardavas, I | Journal: Remote Sensing | Volume: 11 | Year: 2019 | doi:


  5. CLARA-A2: the second edition of the CM SAF cloud and radiation data record from 34 years of global AVHRR data

    The second edition of the satellite-derived climate data record CLARA (The CM SAF Cloud, Albedo A...

    Karlsson, K.-G., Anttila, K., Trentmann, J., Stengel, M., Meirink, J. F., Devasthale, A., Hanschmann, T., Kothe, S., J¨a¨askel¨ainen, E., Sedlar, J., Benas, N., van Zadelhoff, G.-J., Schlundt, C., Stein, D., Finkensieper, S., H°akansson, N., and Hollmann, R | Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Year: 2017 | doi:
