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First 4431 results for ”E. Källen and L. Maas”

  1. Assessing Surveillance of Wildlife Diseases by Determining Mammal Species Vulnerability to Climate Change

    Climate change is one of the drivers of wildlife-borne disease emergence, as it can affect specie...

    S. R. Wijburg, M. Maas, H. Sprong, 1. Gröne, G. van der Schrier, and J. M. Rijks | Journal: Transboundary and emerging diseases | Volume: 2023 | Year: 2023 | First page: 7628262 | doi: 10.1155/2023/7628262


  2. Fast Fourier transformatie

    Fast Fourier transformatie

    E.H.J. Vermaas | Year: 1974 | Pages: 59


  3. Boundary layer ozone and cloud coverage at Paramaribo Station (5.8N 55.2W)

    This report covers the first results of two new parameters measured at the para-maribo station af...

    Stijn Maas | Year: 2004 | Pages: 40


  4. Maandoverzicht neerslag en verdamping in Nederland maart 2011

    In het Maandoverzicht neerslag en verdamping in Nederland (MONV) zijn dagelijkse gegevens van nee...

    RJCF Sluijter | Year: 2011 | Pages: 16


  5. Koude maand maart door afname zeeijs

    R van Dorland | Journal: Zenit | Volume: 40 | Year: 2013 | First page: 43 | Last page: 43
