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First 1145 results for ”J Lelieveld”

  1. Trapping, chemistry and export of trace gases in the South Asian summer monsoon observed during CARIBIC flights in 2008

    The CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrumen...

    A Rauthe-Schoch, AK Baker, TJ Schuck, CAM Brenninkmeijer, A Zahn, M Hermann, G Stratmann, H Ziereis, PFJ van Velthoven, J Lelieveld | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2016 | First page: 3609 | Last page: 3629 | doi: 10.5194/acp-16-3609-2016


  2. Overview of the trace gas measurement on board the citation aircraft during the intensive field phase of INDOEX

    JA de Gouw, C Warneke, HA Scheeren, C van der Veen, M Bolder, MP Scheele, J Williams, S Wong, L Lange, H Fischer, J Lelieveld | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 106 | Year: 2001 | First page: 28,453 | Last page: 28,467


  3. The impact of model grid zooming on tracer transport in the 1999/2000 Arctic Polar Vortex

    We have used a 3-D chemistry transport model to evaluate the transport of HF and CH4 in the strat...

    MMP van den Broek, MK van Aalst, A Bregman, M Krol, J Lelieveld, GC Toon, S Garcelon, GM Hansford, RL Jones, TD Gardiner | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 3 | Year: 2003 | First page: 1833 | Last page: 1847 | doi:


  4. Strong increase in mortality attributable to ozone pollution under a climate change and demographic scenario

    Long-term exposure to ambient ozone (O3) is associated with excess respiratory mortality. Polluti...

    D Akritidis, S Bacer, P Zanis, AK Georgoulias, S Chowdhury, LW Horowitz, V Naik, FM O’Connor, J Keeble, P Le Sager, T van Noije, P Zhou, S Turnock, J West, J Lelieveld, A Pozzer | Journal: Environ. Res. Lett. | Year: 2024 | doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad2162


  5. The impact of traffic emissions on atmospheric ozone and OH: results from QUANTIFY

    P Hoor, J Borken-Kleefeld, D Caro, O Dessens, O Endresen, M Gauss, V Grewe, D Hauglustaine, ISA Isaksen, P Jockel, J Lelieveld, E Meijer, D Olivie, PFJ van Velthoven, et al. | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 9 | Year: 2009 | First page: 3113 | Last page: 3136 | doi:
