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First 1491 results for ” Daniele Hauser”

  1. Attribution of 2022 early-spring heatwave in India and Pakistan to climate change: lessons in assessing vulnerability and preparedness in reducing impacts

    In March 2022, large parts over the north Indian plains including the breadbasket region, and sou...

    Mariam Zachariah, T Arulalan, Krishna AchutaRao, Fahad Saeed, Roshan Jha, Manish Kumar Dhasmana, Arpita Mondal, Remy Bonnet, Robert Vautard, Sjoukje Philip, Sarah Kew, Maja Vahlberg, Roop Singh, Julie Arrighi, Dorothy Heinrich, Lisa Thalheimer, Carolina Pereira Marghidan, Aditi Kapoor, Maarten van Aalst, Emmanuel Raju, Sihan Li, Jingru Sun, Gabriel Vecchi, Wenchang Yang, Mathias Hauser, Dominik L Schumacher, Sonia I Seneviratne, Luke J Harrington, Friederike EL Otto | Journal: Environ. Res.: Climate | Volume: 2 | Year: 2023 | doi: 10.1088/2752-5295/acf4b6


  2. Correlation between Particle Backscatter measured over the Tropical Indian Ocean and Residence Time of Observed Aerosols in the Boundary layer over the Asia Continent

    D Althausen, K Franke, GHL Verver | Conference: International Lasar Rader Conference | Place: Vichy | Year: 2000 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  3. Implementing FAIR data principles in the IPCC seventh assessment cycle: Lessons learned and future prospects

    Every five to seven years, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) convenes the clim...

    Martina Stockhause, Alessandro Spinuso | Journal: PLOS Climate | Volume: 3(12) | Year: 2024 | doi:


  4. Rapid attribution analysis of the extraordinary heat wave on the Pacific coast of the US and Canada in June 2021

    Towards the end of June 2021, temperature records were broken by several degrees Celsius in sever...

    Philip, S. Y. and Kew, S. F. and van Oldenborgh, G. J. and Anslow, F. S. and Seneviratne, S. I. and Vautard, R. and Coumou, D. and Ebi, K. L. and Arrighi, J. and Singh, R. and van Aalst, M. and Pereira Marghidan, C. and Wehner, M. and Yang, W. and Li, S. and Schumacher, D. L. and Hauser, M. and Bonnet, R. and Luu, L. N. and Lehner, F. and Gillett, N. and Tradowsky, J. S. and Vecchi, G. A. and Rodell, C. and Stull, R. B. and Howard, R. and Otto, F. E. L | Journal: Earth Syst. Dynam. | Volume: 13 | Year: 2022 | First page: 1689 | Last page: 1713 | doi:


  5. Droogte in Nederland aan de hand van de indices SPI en SPEI

    In Meteorologica, Juni 2021. Te downloaden/bekijken via:

    Emma Daniels, Jules Beersma, Gerard van der Schrier | Year: 2021
