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First 1623 results for ” Georg Engelhard”

  1. On the temperature dependence of the cloud ice particle effective radius - a satellite perspective

    Cloud ice particle effective radius in atmospheric models is usually parametrized. A widelyused ...

    M. Stengel, J.F. Meirink, S. Eliasson | Journal: Geophysical Research Letters | Volume: 50 | Year: 2023 | doi: 10.1029/2022GL102521


  2. The European Volcano Observatories and their use of the aviation colour code system

    Volcano observatories (VOs) around the world are required to maintain surveillance of their volca...

    Barsotti Sara, Scollo Simona , Macedonio Giovanni, Felpeto Alicia, Peltier Aline, Vougioukalakis Georgios, de Zeeuw van Dalfsen Elske, Ottemöller Lars, Pimentel Adriano, Komorowski Jean‑Christophe. Loughlin Susan, Carmo Rita, Coltelli Mauro, Corbeau Jordane Vye‑Brown Charlotte, Di Vito Mauro, Jean‑Bernard de Chabalier, Ferreira Teresa, R., Fontaine Fabrice, Lemarchand Arnaud, · Marques Rui, Medeiros Joana, Moretti Roberto, Pfeffer Melissa Anne, Saurel Jean‑Marie, Vlastelic Ivan, Vogfjörd Kristín, Engwell Samantha, Salerno Giuseppe | Journal: Bulletin of Volcanology | Volume: 68 (23) | Year: 2024 | doi:


  3. Parametric representation of the cloud droplet spectra for LES warm bulk microphysical schemes

    Parametric functions are currently used to represent droplet spectra in clouds and to develop bul...

    O Geoffroy, JL Brenguier, F Burnet | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 10 | Year: 2010 | First page: 4835 | Last page: 4848 | doi: doi:10.5194/acp-10-4835-2010


  4. Berekening van de geowind

    Berekening van de geowind

    G.J. Cats | Year: 1977 | Pages: 54


  5. Spatial and seasonal variations of aerosols over China from two decades of multi-satellite observations - Part 2: AOD time series for 1995-2017 combined from ATSR ADV and MODIS C6.1 and AOD tendency estimations,

    L Sogacheva, E Rodriguez, P Kolmonen, TH Virtanen, G Saponaro, G de Leeuw, AK Georgoulias, G Alexandri, K Kourtidis, RJ van der A | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2018 | First page: 16631 | Last page: 16652 | doi: 10.5194/acp-18-16631-2018
