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First 457 results for ” H Clark”

  1. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for A-Classification (A-TC ATBD)

    This document describes two modules relevant to the classification of the scene. The ATBD is set ...

    DP Donovan, GJ van Zadelhoff, S Berthier | Year: 2011


  2. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for ACM-Classification

    This document describes the algorithm for retrieving the synergetic lidar/radar/msi classificatio...

    GJ van Zadelhoff, DP Donovan, S Berthier | Year: 2011


  3. Classifying observations of stable boundary layers for model validation.

    FC Bosveld, F Beyrich | Conference: 16th AMS workshop on Boundary Layer and Turbulence | Organisation: AMS | Place: Portland (ME), USA | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  4. Assessment and visualisation of uncertainty in remote sensing land cover classifications

    JFM van der Wel | University: Universiteit Utrecht | Year: 2000


  5. Measurement Classes & Swath-names output product OMI-GDPS

    GHJ van den Oord | Year: 2002
