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First 40 results for ” JG Murhpy”

  1. Action-based flood forecasting for triggering humanitarian action

    Too often, credible scientific early warning information of increased disaster risk does not resu...

    E Coughlan de Perez, BJJM van den Hurk, MK van Aalst, I Amuron, D Bamanya, T Hauser, B Jongman, A Lopez, S Mason, J Mendler de Suarez, F Pappenberger, A Rueth, E Stephens, P Suarez, J Wagemaker | Status: published | Journal: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | Year: 2016 | doi: 10.5194/hess-2016-163


  2. Long-term variability and trends in meteorological droughts in Europe (1851-2018)

    We analyzed long-term variability and trends of droughts across Europe using the Standardized Pre...

    SM Vicente-Serrano, F Domínguez-Castro, C Murphy, J Hannaford, F Reig, D Peña-Angulo, Y Tramblay, R Trigo, N MacDonald, Y Luna, JA Guijarro, M McCarthy, G van der Schrier, M Turco, D Camuffo | Status: published | Journal: Intern. J. Climatol. | Volume: 41 | Year: 2020 | First page: E690 | Last page: E717 | doi:


  3. Using modelled relationships and satellite observations to attribute modelled aerosol biases over biomass burning regions

    Biomass burning (BB) is a major source of aerosols that remain the most uncertain components of t...

    Q Zhong, N Schutgens, GR van der Werf, T van Noije, SE Bauer, K Tsigaridis, T Mielonen, R Checa-Garcia, D Neubauer, Z Kipling, A Kirkevåg, DJL Olivié, H Kokkola, H Matsui, P Ginoux, T Takemura, P Le Sager, S Rémy, H Bian, M Chin | Journal: Nat. Commun. | Volume: 13 | Year: 2022 | First page: 5914 | doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33680-4


  4. Evaluation of CMIP6 model simulations of PM2.5 and its components over China

    Earth system models (ESMs) participating in the latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phas...

    F Ren, J Lin, C Xu, JA Adeniran, J Wang, RV Martin, A van Donkelaar, MS Hammer, LW Horowitz, ST Turnock, N Oshima, J Zhang, S Bauer, K Tsigaridis, Ø Seland, P Nabat, D Neubauer, G Strand, T van Noije, P Le Sager, T Takemura | Journal: Geosci. Model Dev. | Volume: 17 | Year: 2024 | First page: 4821 | Last page: 4836 | doi: 10.5194/gmd-17-4821-2024


  5. Assessing Future Tropical Cyclone Risk Using Downscaled CMIP6 Projections

    The authors employ the Columbia Hazard model (CHAZ) to characterise future tropical cyclone (TC) ...

    Boniface O. Fosu*, Adam H. Sobel, Chia-Ying Lee, Suzana J. Camargo, Michael K. Tippett, Mona Hemmati, Radovan Drinka, Sri H. Polamuri, Steven G. Bowen, Nadia Bloemendaal | Journal: Journal of Catastrophe Risk and Resilience | Volume: 2 | Year: 2024 | doi:
