Five years of observations of ozone profiles over Lauder, New Zealand
Altitude profiles of ozone (O3) over Lauder (45°S, 170°E) performed using a lidar, ozonesondes, a...
EJ Brinksma, J Ajtic, JB Bergwerff, GE Bodecker, IS Boyd, JF de Haan, W Hogervorst, JW Hovernier, DPJ Swart | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 107 | Year: 2002 | First page: 4216 | doi: 10.1029/2001JD000737
Model verticale windsnelheid
In dit afstudeerverslag is een methode onderzocht om een profiel van de verticale windsnelheid la...
M Hoogendijk | Journal: afstudeerverslag Fontys | Year: 2014 | First page: 1 | Last page: 80
SDP 2.0 validation
The SeaWinds Data Processor (SDP) generates ocean vector wind fields from the measurements of the...
J Vogelzang | Year: 2008
Variational Quality Control in 2DVAR
In this report various existing methods for variational quality control are compared.
J Vogelzang | Year: 2008
The 2DVAR error model for SeaWinds
Using triple collocation techniques with two models and one observation systems, the parameters i...
J Vogelzang | Year: 2008