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First 208 results for ” McKeen”

  1. National Report: CLIVAR research in the Netherlands

    W Hazeleger, G Burgers, M Walgreen | Year: 2006


  2. Cloud Optical Thickness and Cloud Liquid Water Path

    W Frerichs, A Macke, R Roebeling | Year: 2002


  3. A simulated data base including ATOVS, ASCAT and Doppler Wind Lidar data

    BD Becker, H Roquet, A Stoffelen | Status: published | Journal: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | Volume: 77 | Year: 1996 | First page: 2279 | Last page: 2294


  4. 2A simulated data base including ATOVS, ASCAT, and Doppler Wind Lidar data

    A Stoffelen, BD Becker, H Roquet | Status: published | Journal: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | Volume: 77 | Year: 1996 | First page: 2279 | Last page: 2294


  5. 2Theoretical studies of the impact of Doppler Wind Lidar data: the preparation of a data base

    A Stoffelen, J Eyre, B Becker | Year: 1994
