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First 96 results for ” R Zabkar”

  1. Offshore wind climatology based on synergetic use of Envisat ASAR, ASCAT and QuikSCAT

    Highlights: • We combine satellite surface ocean wind vector data from three satellites. • Offsho...

    C Hasager, A Mouche, M Badger, F Bingol, I Karagali, T Driesenaar, A Stoffelen, A Pina, N Longepe | Status: published | Journal: Remote Sens. Environ. | Volume: 156 | Year: 2014 | First page: 247 | Last page: 263 | doi: doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.09.030


  2. SIVVRR V2: Initial Validation of CM-SAF Cloud Products using MSG/SEVIRI Data.

    KG Karlsson, P Albert, S Johnston, RA Roebeling, A Tetzlaff, W Thomas, ELA Wolters | Year: 2005


  3. Scientific Report ORR_V2: Validation of CM-SAF Cloud Products using MSG/SEVIRI Data.

    KG Karlsson, P Albert, S Johnston, RA Roebeling, A Tetzlaff, W Thomas, ELA Wolters | Year: 2005


  4. The attribution question

    Understanding how the overall risks of extreme events are changing in a warming world requires bo...

    FEL Otto, GJ van Oldenborgh, J Eden, PA Stott, DJ Karoly, MR Allen | Status: published | Journal: Nature Climate Change | Volume: 6 | Year: 2016 | First page: 813 | Last page: 816 | doi: 10.1038/nclimate3089


  5. An intercomparison and validation of satellite-based surface radiative energy flux estimates over the Arctic

    Accurate determination of radiative energy fluxes over the Arctic is of crucial importance for un...

    Riihela, Key, Meirink, Kuipers Munneke, Palo, Karlsson | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 122 | Year: 2017 | doi: 10.1002/2016JD026443
