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First 959 results for ” W Turkenburg”

  1. A guide to the Nedwam wave model

    Nedwam is a numerical model for making North Sea wave forecasts. The Nedwam software is a KNMI pr...

    G Burgers | Year: 1990


  2. Comments on \"Estimates of kinetic energy dissipation under breaking waves\"

    It is noted that the results of recent experiments on the enhancement of turbulent kinetic energy...

    G Burgers | Status: published | Journal: J. Phys. Oceanogr. | Volume: 27 | Year: 1997 | First page: 2306 | Last page: 2307


  3. Turbulente fluxen in inhomogene omstandigheden

    Turbulente fluxen in inhomogene omstandigheden

    P. Schotanus | Year: 1982 | Pages: 131


  4. LAM and NEDWAM statistics over the period October 1990-April 1991

    LAM and NEDWAM statistics over the period October 1990-April 1991

    R. Van Moerkerken | Year: 1991 | Pages: 77


  5. Dynamic model evaluation for secondary inorganic aerosol and its precursors over Europe between 1990 and 2009

    In this study we present a dynamic model evaluation of chemistry transport model LOTOS-EUROS (LOn...

    S Banzhaf, M Schaap, R Kranenburg, AMM Manders, AJ Segers, AJH Visschedijk, HAC Denier van der Gon, JJP Kuenen, E van Meijgaard, LH van Ulft, J Cofala, PJH Builtjes | Status: published | Journal: Geoscientific Model Development | Volume: 8 | Year: 2015 | First page: 1047 | Last page: 1070 | doi: 10.5194/gmd-8-1047-2015
