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First 2738 results for ”K. van Dam”

  1. passive probing of the sound fixing and ranging channel with hydro-acoustic observations from ridge earthquakes

    Passive probing of the Sound Fixing and Ranging channel with hydro-acoustic observations from Rid...

    l evers | Journal: knmi document | Year: 2015


  2. Experiments with horizontal diffusion and advection in a nested fine mesh mesoscale model

    Recent is een hoge resolutie versie van het HIRLAM met en roosterpuntsafstand van 5.5 km op het K...

    EIF de Bruijn 1997 | Year: 1997 | Pages: 32


  3. Observation of Hydrological Processes Using Remote Sensing

    The availability of spatial information on water quantity and quality enables closure of the wat...

    B Su, RA Roebeling, I Holleman et al. | Year: 2011


  4. Generation of a global synthetic tropical cyclone hazard dataset using STORM

    Over the past few decades, the world has seen substantial tropical cyclone (TC) damages, with the...

    N Bloemendaal, ID Haigh, H de Moel, S Muis, R Haarsma, JCJH Aerts | Status: published | Journal: Nature Scientific Data | Year: 2020 | doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-0381-2


  5. Advice on the computation of peakground-velocity confidence regions for the Zuidlaren 23-12-2016 event

    On request by the Technical Committee on ground movement (Tcbb), a study was carried out to defin...

    E. Ruigrok, B. Dost | Year: 2020 | Pages: 16
