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First 348 results for ”H Bonekamp”

  1. Tracing the water masses of the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean

    K Doos, P Killworth, S Speich, SS Drijfhout, R Santoleri, V Artale, AC Coward, R Marsh, MM Lee, B Blanke, P de Vries, D Iudicone, V Rupolo, M Valdivieso, S Marullo | Year: 2001


  2. Global high resolution versus Limited Area Model scenarios over Europe: results from the PRUDENCE project

    Four high resolution atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs) have been integrated with the ...

    M Deque, RG Jones, M Wild, F Giorgi, JH Christensen, DC Hassell, PL Vidale, B Rockel, D Jacob, E Kjelstroem, M de Castro, F Kuscharski, BjjM van den Hurk | Status: submitted | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Year: 2004


  3. The Rhone-aggregation Land Surface Scheme Intercomparison Project: an overview

    A Boone, F Habets, J Noilhan, D Clark, P Dirmeyer, S Fox, Y Gusev, I Haddeland, R Koster, D Lohmann, S Mahnama, K Mitchell, O Sasonova, GJ Niu, B van den Hurk | Status: published | Journal: J. Climate | Volume: 17 | Year: 2004 | First page: 187 | Last page: 208


  4. Reassessing changes in Diurnal Temperature Range: A new dataset and characterization of data biases

    PW Thorne, MJ Menne, CN Williams, JJ Rennie, JH Lawrimore, RS Vose, TC Peterson, I Durre, R Davy, I Esau, AMG Klein Tank, A Merlone | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2016 | First page: 5115 | Last page: 5137 | doi: 10.1002/2015JD024583


  5. Global high resolution versus Limited Area Model climate change projections over Europe: quantifying confidence level from PRUDENCE results

    Four high resolution atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs) have been integrated with the ...

    M Deque, RG Jones, M Wild, F Giorgi, JC Christensen, DC Hassell, PL Vidale, B Rockel, D Jacob, E Kjellstrom, M de Castro, F Kucharski, B van den Hurk | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Volume: 25 | Year: 2005 | First page: 653 | Last page: 670 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-005-0052-1
