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First 958 results for ” TJ Martin”

  1. Weather and Climate Science in the Digital Era

    The need for open science has been recognized by the communities of meteorology and climate scien...

    Martine G de Vos, Wilco Hazeleger, Driss Bari, Jörg Behrens, Sofiane Bendoukha, Irene Garcia-Marti, Ronald van Haren, Sue Ellen Haupt, Rolf Hut, Fredrik Jansson, Andreas Mueller, Peter Neilley, Gijs van den Oord, Inti Pelupessy, Paolo Ruti, Martin G Schultz, Jeremy Walton | Journal: Geoscience Communication | Volume: 3 | Year: 2019 | doi: 10.5194/gc-2019-22


  2. A globally consistent local-scale assessment of future tropical cyclone risk

    There is considerable uncertainty surrounding future changes in tropical cyclone (TC) frequency a...

    N Bloemendaal, H de Moel, AB Martinez, S Muis, ID Haigh, K van der Wiel, RJ Haarsma, PJ Ward, MJ Roberts, JCM Dullaart, JCJH Aerts. | Journal: Science advances | Volume: 8 | Year: 2022 | First page: eabm8438 | doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abm8438


  3. Historical Maritime Wind Scales until 1947

    The strongly increasing interest for historical climate data (HISKLIM, CLIWOC, RECLAIM, ACRES) ov...

    H Wallbrink, FB Koek | Year: 2009


  4. A cyclic Markov chain study of ENSO predictability

    We use yearly-cyclic Markov chains in order to analyse the predictability characteristics of ENSO...

    RA Pasmanter, A Timmermann | Conference: Chaos in Geophysical Flows, ISSAOS 2001 | Organisation: Univ. dell\'Aquila | Place: L\'Aquila, Italy | First page: 181 | Last page: 207


  5. Historische Maritieme Windschalen tot 1947

    H Wallbrink, F Koek | Year: 2001
