Evaluation of limited area models for the representation of the diurnal cycle and contrasting nights in CASES99
This study evaluates the ability of three limited-area models [the fifth-generation Pennsylvania ...
GJ Steeneveld, T Mauritsen, EIF de Bruijn, J Vila-Guerau de Arellano, G Svensson, AMM Holtslag | Status: published | Journal: J. Appl. Meteor. | Volume: 47 | Year: 2008 | First page: 869 | Last page: 887 | doi: 10.1175/2007JAMC1702.1
The effect of differences between rainfall measurement techniques on groundwater and discharge simulations in a lowland catchment
Several rainfall measurement techniques are available for hydrological applications, each with it...
CC Brauer, A Overeem, H Leijnse, R Uijlenhoet | Status: published | Journal: Hydrol. Proc. | Volume: 30 | Year: 2016 | First page: 3885 | Last page: 3900 | doi: 10.1002/hyp.10898
Intercomparison of methods of coupling between convection and large-scale circulation: 2. Comparison over nonuniform surface conditions
As part of an international intercomparison project, the weak temperature gradient (WTG) and damp...
CL Daleu, RS Plant, SJ Woolnough, S Sessions, MJ Herman, A Sobel, S Wang, D Kim, A Cheng, G Bellon, P Peyrille, F Ferry, P Siebesma, B Van Ulft | Status: published | Journal: J. of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | Volume: 8 | Year: 2016 | First page: 387 | Last page: 405 | doi: 10.1002/2015MS000570
Southeast Atlantic Ocean aerosol direct radiative effects over clouds: Comparison of observations and simulations
Absorbing aerosols exert a warming or a cooling effect on the Earth’s system, depending on the ci...
M de Graaf, J Haywood, N Bellouin, LG Tilstra, P Stammes | Conference: International Radiation Symposium IRS2016 | Organisation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1810 | Place: Auckland, New Zealand | Year: 2016 | First page: 2 | Last page: 2
Mechanisms behind the temporary shutdown of deep convection in the Labrador Sea: Lessons from the Great Salinity Anomaly years 1968-1971
From 1969 to 1971 convection shut down in the Labrador Sea thus interrupting the formation of the...
R Gelderloos, F Straneo, CA Katsman | Status: published | Journal: J. Climate | Volume: 25 | Year: 2012 | First page: 6743 | Last page: 6755 | doi: doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00549.1