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First 370 results for ”A Keppens”

  1. How to engage and adapt to unprecedented extremes

    Exploring Unprecedented Extremes What: Facing the urgent challenge of extreme weather and climate...

    Dominic Matte, Jens H Christensen, Martin Drews, Stefan Sobolowski, Dominique Paquin, Amanda Lynch, Scott Bremer, Ida Engholm, Nicolas D Brunet, Erik W Kolstad, Helena Kettleborough, Vikki Thompson, Emanuele Bevacqua, Dorothy Heinrich, Sara C Pryor, Andrea Böhnisch, Frauke Feser, Andreas F Prein, Erich Fischer, Martin Leduc | Journal: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | Volume: 105 | Year: 2024 | doi:


  2. The AeroCom evaluation and intercomparison of organic aerosol in global models

    This paper evaluates the current status of global modeling of the organic aerosol (OA) in the tro...

    K Tsigaridis, N Daskalakis, M Kanakidou, PJ Adams, P Artaxo, R Bahadur, Y Balkanski, SE Bauer, N Bellouin, A Benedetti, T Bergman, TK Berntsen, JP Beukes, H Bian, KS Carslaw, M Chin, G Curci, T Diehl, RC Easter, SJ Ghan, SL Gong, A Hodzic, CR Hoyle, T Iversen, S Jathar, JL Jimenez, JW, Kaiser, A Kirkevåg, D Koch, H Kokkola, YH Lee, G Lin, X Liu, G Luo, X Ma, GW Mann, N Mihalopoulos, J-J Morcrette, J-F Müller, G Myhre, S Myriokefalitakis, NL Ng, D O'Donnell, JE Penner, L Pozzoli, KJ Pringle, LM Russell, M Schulz, J Sciare, Ø Seland, DT Shindell, S Sillman, RB Skeie, D Spracklen, T Stavrakou, SD Steenrod, T Takemura, P Tiitta, S Tilmes, H Tost, T van Noije, PG van Zyl, K von Salzen, F Yu, Z Wang, Z Wang, RA Zaveri, H Zhang, K Zhang, Q Zhang, Z Zhang | Status: published | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 140 | Year: 2014 | First page: 10845 | Last page: 10895 | doi: 10.5194/acp-14-10845-2014


  3. Tropospheric emissions: Monitoring of pollution (TEMPO)

    TEMPO was selected in 2012 by NASA as the first Earth Venture Instrument, for launch between 2018...

    Zoogman, P.; Liu, X.; Suleiman, R.M.; Pennington, W.F.; Flittner, D.E.; Al-Saadi, J.A.; Hilton, B.B.; Nicks, D.K.; Newchurch, M.J.; Carr, J.L.; Janz, S.J.; Andraschko, M.R.; Arola, A.; Baker, B.D.; Canova, B.P.; Chan Miller, C.; Cohen, R.C.; Davis, J.E.; Dussault, M.E.; Edwards, D.P.; Fishman, J.; Ghulam, A.; González Abad, G.; Grutter, M.; Herman, J.R.; Houck, J.; Jacob, D.J.; Joiner, J.; Kerridge, B.J.; Kim, J.; Krotkov, N.A.; Lamsal, L.; Li, C.; Lindfors, A.; Martin, R.V.; McElroy, C.T.; McLinden, C.; Natraj, V.; Neil, D.O.; Nowlan, C.R.; O׳Sullivan, E.J.; Palmer, P.I.; Pierce, R.B.; Pippin, M.R.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Spurr, R.J.D.; Szykman, J.J.; Torres, O.; Veefkind, J.P.; Veihelmann, B.; Wang, H.; Wang, J.; Chance, K. | Journal: Satellite Remote Sensing and Spectroscopy: Joint ACE-Odin Meeting, October 2015 | Year: 2017 | doi:


  4. Evaluation of the Large EURO-CORDEX Regional Climate Model Ensemble

    The use of regional climate model (RCM)-based projections for providing regional climate informat...

    Robert Vautard, Nikolay Kadygrov, Carley Iles, Fredrik Boberg, Erasmo Buonomo, Katharina Bülow, Erika Coppola, Lola Corre, Erik van Meijgaard, Rita Nogherotto, Marit Sandstad, Clemens Schwingshackl, Samuel Somot, Emma Aalbers, Ole B. Christensen, James M. Ciarlo, Marie-Estelle Demory, Filippo Giorgi, Daniela Jacob, Richard G. Jones, Klaus Keuler, Erik Kjellström, Geert Lenderink, Guillaume Levavasseur, Grigory Nikulin, Jana Sillmann, Cosimo Solidoro, Silje Lund Sørland, Christian Steger, Claas Teichmann, Kirsten Warrach-Sagi, Volker Wulfmeyer | Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | Volume: 126 | Year: 2021 | doi: 10.1029/2019JD032344


  5. Assessment of the European Climate Projections as Simulated by the Large EURO-CORDEX Regional and Global Climate Model Ensemble

    This paper analyzes the ensemble of regional climate model (RCM) projections for Europe completed...

    Erika Coppola, Rita Nogherotto, James M. Ciarlo', Filippo Giorgi, Erik van Meijgaard, Nikolay Kadygrov, Carley Iles, Lola Corre, Marit Sandstad, Samuel Somot, Pierre Nabat, Robert Vautard, Guillaume Levavasseur, Clemens Schwingshackl, Jana Sillmann, Erik Kjellström, Grigory Nikulin, Emma Aalbers, Geert Lenderink, Ole B. Christensen, Fredrik Boberg, Silje Lund Sørland, Marie-Estelle Demory, Katharina Bülow, Claas Teichmann, Kirsten Warrach-Sagi, Volker Wulfmeyer | Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | Volume: 126 | Year: 2021 | doi: 10.1029/2019JD032356
