Numerieke weersverwachtingen
De weersverwachting is een belangrijke sturende factor bij vele activiteiten in onze maatschappij...
GJ Cats | Journal: Eureka! | Year: 2008 | First page: 4 | Last page: 7
Een ontspoord Hirlam model?
Op 12 en 13 augustus 2004 viel er in Friesland, Noord- en Zuid-Holland en de Noord-Oostpolder pla...
wc de Rooy, k kok, ABC Tijm, DHP Vogelezang | Journal: Meteorologica | Year: 2006 | First page: 7 | Last page: 10
Meteorological applications of a surface network of Global Positioning System receivers
This thesis presents meteorological applications of water vapour observations from a surface netw...
S de Haan | University: Wageningen University | Year: 2008
Effect of using local temperature measurements on the determination of freezing precipitation and fog
In aviation, meteorological observations are crucial to the operations of an airfield. These obse...
H.I. Bloemink, W.M.F. Wauben
| Year: 2012 | Pages: 44
Evaluation of a new trigger function for cumulus convection
Cumulus convection plays a major role in the vertical transport of heat, moisture, momentum and c...
MJ de Haij | Year: 2005 | Pages: 117