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First 368 results for ” H Hakvoort”

  1. Bijdrage tot het bepalen van de meest gunstige diepte voor het leggen van waterleidingbuizen in verband met het bevriezingsrisico

    Bijdrage tot het bepalen van de meest gunstige diepte voor het leggen van waterleidingbuizen in v...

    P.J. Rijkoort | Year: 1956 | Pages: 47


  2. On the air-sea coupling in the WAM wave model

    Wind generates waves on the surface of the ocean. Modifications of the sea state influence the wi...

    DF Doortmont, VK Makin | Year: 2000 | Pages: 55


  3. Validation of ERS-1 altimeter wave height measurements and assimilation in a North Sea wave model

    C Mastenbroek, V Makin, A Voorrips, GJ Komen | Journal: The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System | Volume: 2 | Year: 1994 | First page: 143 | Last page: 161


  4. Calibration method to correct for cloud-induced wavelength shifts in Aura's Ozone Monitoring Instrument

    The in-flight wavelength calibration for the Ozone Monitoring Instrument is discussed. The observ...

    R Voors, MR Dobber, R Dirksen, P Levelt | Status: published | Journal: Appl. Optics | Volume: 45 | Year: 2006


  5. Pre-launch characterization of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument transfer function in the spectral domain

    A new method and experimental measurement setup to accurately characterize instrument transfer fu...

    R Dirksen, MR Dobber, R Voors, P Levelt | Status: published | Journal: Appl. Optics | Volume: 45 | Year: 2006 | First page: 3972 | Last page: 3981
