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First 2136 results for ” Mark ter; Geffen”

  1. Quantification of lightning-produced NOx over the Pyrenees and the Ebro Valley by using different TROPOMI-NO2 and cloud research products

    Lightning, one of the major sources of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the atmosphere, contributes to th...

    Francisco J. Pérez-Invernón, Heidi Huntrieser, Thilo Erbertseder, Diego Loyola, Pieter Valks, Song Liu, Dale J. Allen, Kenneth E. Pickering, Eric J. Bucsela, Patrick Jöckel, Jos van Geffen, Henk Eskes, Sergio Soler, Francisco J. Gordillo-Vázquez, and Jeff Lapierre | Journal: Atmos. Meas. Tech. | Volume: 15 | Year: 2022 | First page: 3329 | Last page: 3351 | doi: 10.5194/amt-15-3329-2022


  2. Validation of Aura-OMI QA4ECV NO2 climate data records with ground-based DOAS networks: the role of measurement and comparison uncertainties

    The QA4ECV (Quality Assurance for Essential Climate Variables) version 1.1 stratospheric and trop...

    Compernolle, S., Verhoelst, T., Pinardi, G., Granville, J., Hubert, D., Keppens, A., Niemeijer, S., Rino, B., Bais, A., Beirle, S., Boersma, K.F., Burrows, J.P., De Smedt, I., Eskes, H., Goutail, F., Hendrick, F., Lorente, A., Pazmino, A., Piters, A., Peters, E., Pommereau, J.-P., Remmers, J., Richter, A., van Geffen, J., Van Roozendael, M., Wagner, T. and Lambert, J.-C | Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Volume: 20 | Year: 2020 | doi:


  3. Gevoelstemperatuur en marathonschaatsen

    Douwe de Vries, marathonschaatser van beroep, verzocht Hein Daanen en mij om mee te werken aan de...

    G Groen | Journal: Schaatsen | Year: 2010


  4. Space-based surface UV monitoring for Europe using SCIAMACHY and MSG

    M van Weele, RJ van der A, J van Geffen, R Roebeling | Conference: Remote Sensing of Clouds andthe Atmosphere X | Organisation: SPIE Europe | Place: Brugge | Year: 2005 | First page: 5979 | Last page: 1


  5. Annual ambient UVB at wavelengths that induce Vitamin D synthesis is associated with reduced oesophageal and gastric cancer risk: a nested case-control study

    Vitamin D has been shown to be beneficial at reducing the risk of cancer, however studies examini...

    F O'Sullivan, JHG van Geffen, M van Weele, L Zgaga | Status: published | Journal: Photochem. and Photobiol. | Volume: 94 | Year: 2018 | First page: 797 | Last page: 806 | doi: 10.1111/php.12915
