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First 447 results for ” O Breivik”

  1. Zin en Onzin over Klimaatverandering

    Heeft de mens nu wel of geen invloed op de verandering van het klimaat? Loopt Nederland gevaar do...

    A Bregman | Journal: Idee | Year: 2006 | First page: 5 | Last page: 7


  2. The effective viscosity of a channel-type porous medium.

    An expression for the effective viscosity (mu_e) of a homogeneous channel-type porous medium has ...

    WP Breugem | Status: published | Journal: Physics of Fluids | Volume: 19 | Year: 2007 | doi: 10.1063/1.2792323


  3. On the role of convection and turbulence for tropospheric ozone and its precursors

    Ozon (O3) is een belangrijk sporengas in de troposfeer : het is een broeikasgas, het is giftig vo...

    DJL Olivie | University: Eindhoven | Year: 2005


  4. Antarctic Meteorology, a study with Automatic Weather Stations

    This thesis chiefly addresses a) the use of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) in determining the n...

    CH Reijmer | University: Universiteit Utrecht | Year: 2001


  5. About the possibilities of using an air transformation model in Tayun, Shanxi province, China

    About the possibilities of using an air transformation model in Tayun, Shanxi province, China

    J. Reiff | Year: 1990 | Pages: 18
