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First 1406 results for ” Pauline P Kruiver”

  1. Aanpassingstoetsen


    S. Kruizinga | Year: 1974 | Pages: 29


  2. Probability of thunderstorm activity

    Probability of thunderstorm activity 

    S. Kruizinga | Year: 1985 | Pages: 20


  3. Is there a pause in the temperature of the lower troposphere?

    In my recent post whether there is a ‘hiatus’ in global warming I left out the satellite observat...

    GJ van Oldenborgh | Journal: Climate Lab Book | Year: 2014


  4. Extreme regenval en overstromingen in het stroomgebied van de Hupselse Beek

    Op 26 en 27 augustus 2010 werd het stroomgebied van de Hupselse Beek getroffen door extreme neers...

    C Brauer, R Teuling, A Overeem, R Uijlenhoet | Journal: H2O | Volume: 44 | Year: 2011 | First page: 23 | Last page: 26


  5. Hot-air balloon forecasts at KNMI, a validation study for the application of ECMWF and HIRLAM data

    This validation study focuses on the input data quality for the special hot-air balloon forecasts...

    Cisco de Bruijn, Bas de Haan, Paul de Valk, and Sander Tijm | Year: 2021 | Pages: 24
