Validation of Gaussian plume model AEROPOL against Cabauw field experiment
The Gaussian dispersion model AEROPOL is validated against the Cabauw (1977 – 1978) data set, app...
M Kaasik, GT Geertsema, R Scheele | Conference: 17th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes | Organisation: Harmo | Place: Budapest | Year: 2016 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
Hitte in Europa zomer 2015
Nederland heeft weer een officiële hittegolf meegemaakt afgelopen zomer. Van 30 juni tot 5 juli w...
GJ van Oldenborgh | Journal: Meteorologica | Volume: 24 | Year: 2015 | First page: 26 | Last page: 28
Validation of Gaussian Plume Model Aeropol against Cabauw Field Experiment
Abstract: The Gaussian dispersion model AEROPOL is validated against Cabauw (1977 – 1978) data se...
M Kaasik, G Geertsema, R Scheele | Conference: Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes | Place: Boedapest | Year: 2016 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
Validation of the Gaussian Plume Model AEROPOL model against the Cabauw Field Experiment.
Abstract: The Gaussian dispersion model AEROPOL is validated against the Cabauw (1977 – 1978) dat...
M Kaasik, GT Geertsema, R Scheele | Status: submitted | Journal: J. Environmental Science and Climatic Changes | Year: 2016
dispel4py: An agile framework for data-intensive escience
We present dispel4py a versatile data-intensive kit presented as a standard Python library. It em...
Rosa Filgueira, Alessandro Spinuso | Journal: IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science | Year: 2015 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/eScience.2015.40