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First 812 results for ” B Henzing”

  1. Systeembeschrijving Mist Voorspel Systeem MIVOS

    Systeembeschrijving Mist Voorspel Systeem MIVOS 

    D. Blaauboer, H.R.A. Wessels en S. Kruizinga | Year: 1992 | Pages: 36


  2. Extended aerosol and surface characterization from S5P/TROPOMI with GRASP algorithm. Part II: Global validation and Intercomparison

    This paper is the second part of companion papers describing the development of GRASP approach fo...

    Cheng Chen, Pavel Litvinov, Oleg Dubovik, Lukas Bindreiter, Christian Matar, David Fuertes, Anton Lopatin, Tatyana Lapyonok, Verena Lanzinger, Andreas Hangler, Michael Aspetsberger, Martin de Graaf, Lieuwe Gijsbert Tilstra, Piet Stammes, Alexandru Dandocsi, Daniele Gasbarra, Elody Fluck, Claus Zehner, Christian Retscher | Journal: Remote Sensing of Environment | Volume: 313 | Year: 2024 | First page: 114374 | doi:


  3. Evaluation of the ENSEMBLES Prediction System

    AMG Klein Tank, E Manzini, P Braconnot, F Doblas-Reyes, TA Buishand, A Morse | Year: 2009


  4. Solar cycle modulation of the Arctic Oscillation in a chemistry-climate model

    K Tourpali, CJE Schuurmans, R van Dorland, B Steil, C Brühl, E Manzini | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 32 | Year: 2005 | First page: L17803 | doi: 10.1029/2005GL023509


  5. HIRLAM experiments on surface energy balance across Vatnajokull, Iceland

    The aim of this study is to investigate the skill of the High Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRL...

    L Rontu, F Obleitner, S Gollvik, C Zingerle, ABC Tijm | Status: published | Journal: Meteor. Atmos. Phys. | Volume: 103 | Year: 2009 | First page: 67 | Last page: 77
