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First 407 results for ” K Keuler”

  1. Range resolved Cloud and Aerosol Optical Properties

    A Apituley, DP Donovan | Year: 2011


  2. Practical depolarization-ratio-based inversion procedure: lidar measurements of the Eyjafjallajökull ash cloud over the Netherlands: erratum

    DP Donovan, A Apituley | Status: published | Journal: Appl. Optics | Volume: 52 | Year: 2013 | First page: 4062 | Last page: 4062 | doi: 10.1364/AO.52.004062


  3. Rainfall Generator for the Rhine Basin: Sensitivity to the composition of the feature vector and passive simulations

    Since the mid 1990s rainfall generators for the Rhine and Meuse basins have been developed. These...

    Jules Beersma | Year: 2011 | Pages: 18


  4. Rainfall generator for the Rhine Basin: Description of 1000-year simulations

    In this report ten 1000-year simulations with the rainfall generator for the Rhine basin are desc...

    Jules Beersma | Year: 2002 | Pages: 18


  5. Hypocenters for the events between March and May 2023 near Klimmen

    From March to May 2023 four events occurred near Klimmen in Limburg. The origin time of the first...

    J. Spetzler | Year: 2023 | Pages: 10
