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First 469 results for ” RJ Bintanja”

  1. Interaction of ice sheets and climate during the past 800,000 years

    LB Stap, RSW van de Wal, B de Boer, R Bintanja, LJ Lourens | Status: submitted | Journal: Climate of the Past | Year: 2014


  2. Cenozoic global ice volume and temperature simulations with 1-D ice-sheet models forced by benthic d18O records

    B de Boer, RSW van de Wal, R Bintanja, LJ Lourens, E Tuenter | Status: published | Journal: Annals of Glaciology | Volume: 51 | Year: 2010 | First page: 23 | Last page: 33


  3. Cosmogenic radionucleide and fine matrix analysis of blockfields, northern Sweden: indications of Quaternary origins

    BW Goodfellow, AP Stroeven, D Fabel, O Fredin, MH Derron, R Bintanja, MW Caffee, SPHT Freeman | Status: submitted | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2009


  4. On the magnitude of transport out of the Antarctic polar vortex

    WMF Wauben, R Bintanja, PFJ van Velthoven, H Kelder | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 102 | Year: 1997 | First page: 1229 | Last page: 1238


  5. Reply to Comment by A.F. Tuck and M.H. Proffitt on the magnitude of transport out of the Antarctic polar vortex by Wiel M.F. Wauben et al

    WMF Wauben, PFJ van Velthoven, H Kelder, R Bintanja | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 102 | Year: 1997 | First page: 28.219 | Last page: 28.222
