Multi-model simulation of CO and HCHO in the Southern Hemisphere: comparison with observations and impact of biogenic emissions
We investigate the impact of biogenic emissions
on carbon monoxide (CO) and formaldehyde (HCHO)
G Zeng, JE Williams, JA Fisher, LK Emmons, NB Jones, O Morgenstern, J Robinson, D Smale, C Paton-Walsh, DWT Griffith | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 15 | Year: 2015 | First page: 7217 | Last page: 7245 | doi: 10.5194/acp-15-7217-2015
Anthropogenic Influence on the 2018 Summer Warm Spell in Europe: The Impact of Different Spatio-Temporal Scales
We demonstrate that, in attribution studies, events defined over longer time scales generally pro...
NJ Leach, S Li, S Sparrow, GJ van Oldenborgh, FC Lott, A Weisheimer, MR Allen | Status: published | Journal: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | Volume: 101 | Year: 2020 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0201.1
Hurricane eye morphology extraction from SAR images by texture analysis
Tropical hurricanes are among the most devastating hazards on Earth. Knowledge about its intense ...
Weicheng Ni, Ad Stoffelen, Kaijun Ren | Journal: Frontiers of Earth Science | Volume: 16 | Year: 2022 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11707-021-0886-9
Tropical Cyclone Wind Direction Retrieval Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients on Dual-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Accurate knowledge of wind directions plays a critical role in atmospheric dynamics exploration, ...
Weicheng Ni, Ad Stoffelen, Kaijun Ren | Journal: IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | Year: 2022 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9884396
Tropical Cyclone Wind Direction Retrieval From Dual-Polarized SAR Imagery Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Hann Window Function
Accurate knowledge of wind directions plays a critical role in ocean surface wind retrieval and t...
Weicheng Ni; Ad Stoffelen; Kaijun Ren | Journal: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | First page: 878 | Last page: 888 | doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3230441