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First 654 results for ” E Min”

  1. A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO2 columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections

    We present a new product with explicit aerosol corrections, POMINO-TROPOMI, for tropospheric nitr...

    M Liu, J Lin, H Kong, F K Boersma, H J Eskes, Y Kanaya, Q He, X Tian, K Qin, P Xie, R Spurr, R Ni, Y Yan, H Weng, J Wang | Status: accepted | Journal: Atmos. Meas. Tech. | Volume: 13 | Year: 2020 | First page: 4247 | Last page: 4259 | doi: 10.5194/amt-13-4247-2020


  2. High-Resolution Mapping of Nitrogen Dioxide With TROPOMI: First Results and Validation Over the Canadian Oil Sands

    TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), on-board the Sentinel-5 Precurser satellite, is a n...

    Griffin, D., Zhao, X., McLinden, C.A., Boersma, F., Bourassa, A., Dammers, E., Degenstein, D., Eskes, H., Fehr, L., Fioletov, V., Hayden, K., Kharol, S.K., Li, S.-M., Makar, P., Martin, R.V., Mihele, C., Mittermeier, R.L., Krotkov, N., Sneep, M., Lamsal, L.N., ter Linden, M., van Geffen, J., Veefkind, P., and Wolde, M | Journal: Geophysical Research Letters | Volume: 46 | Year: 2019 | doi:


  3. High-Resolution Mapping of Nitrogen Dioxide With TROPOMI: First Results and Validation Over the Canadian Oil Sands

    Abstract TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), on-board the Sentinel-5 Precurser satellit...

    Griffin, Debora; Zhao, Xiaoyi; McLinden, Chris A.; Boersma, Folkert; Bourassa, Adam; Dammers, Enrico; Degenstein, Doug; Eskes, Henk; Fehr, Lukas; Fioletov, Vitali; Hayden, Katherine; Kharol, Shailesh K.; Li, Shao-Meng; Makar, Paul; Martin, Randall V.; Mihele, Cristian; Mittermeier, Richard L.; Krotkov, Nickolay; Sneep, Maarten; Lamsal, Lok N.; Linden, Mark ter; Geffen, Jos van; Veefkind, Pepijn; Wolde, Mengistu | Journal: Geophysical Research Letters | Year: 2019 | doi:


  4. Rainfall measurement using cell phone links: classification of wet and dry periods using geostationary satellites

    Commercial cellular telecommunication networks can be used for rainfall estimation by measuring t...

    van het Schip, T. I., Overeem, A., Leijnse, H., Uijlenhoet, R., Meirink, J. F., and van Delden, A. J | Journal: Hydrological Sciences Journal | Volume: 62 | Year: 2017 | doi:


  5. PLUIMRADAR: Een snelle indruk van de verspreiding van stoffen door de lucht

    Luchtverspreidingsmodellen kunnen tijdens ongevallen met gevaarlijke stoffen, zoals een brand of ...

    Gertie Geertsema, Frank Kroonenberg, Gea Stam, Pepijn Morgenstern, Marco Nolet en Jasper Tomas | Year: 2018
