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First 510 results for ” Pape”

  1. The Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) Initiative: scientific objectives and experimental design

    As the climate warms, the grounded ice sheet and floating ice shelves surrounding Antarctica are ...

    Neil C. Swart Torge Martin Rebecca Beadling Jia-Jia Chen Christopher Danek Matthew H. England Riccardo Farneti Stephen M. Griffies Tore Hattermann Judith Hauck F. Alexander Haumann André Jüling Qian Li John Marshall Morven Muilwijk Andrew G. Pauling Ariaan Purich Inga J. Smith Max Thomas | Journal: Geoscientific Model Development | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | First page: 7289 | Last page: 7309 | doi: 10.5194/gmd-16-7289-2023


  2. Decision-support for land reclamation location and design choices in the Maldives

    Land reclamation in the Maldives is widespread. Current land reclamation practices, however, lack...

    Thomas van der Pol, Geronimo Gussmann, Jochen Hinkel, Angel Amores, Marta Marcos, Jeremy Rohmer, Erwin Lambert, Alexander Bisaro | Journal: Climate Risk Management | Year: 2023 | doi: 10.1016/j.crm.2023.100514


  3. Introduction of the DISAMAR radiative transfer model: determining instrument specifications and analysing methods for atmospheric retrieval (version 4.1.5)

    DISAMAR (determining instrument specifications and analysing methods for atmospheric retrieval) i...

    de Haan, J. F., Wang, P., Sneep, M., Veefkind, J. P., and Stammes, P | Journal: Geoscientific Model Development | Year: 2022 | doi:


  4. Observations from Personal Weather Stations—EUMETNET Interests and Experience

    The number of people owning a private weather station (PWS) and sharing their meteorological meas...

    Claudia Hahn, Irene Garcia-Marti, Jacqueline Sugier, Fiona Emsley, Anne-Lise Beaulant, Louise Oram, Eva Strandberg, Elisa Lindgren, Martyn Sunter, Franziska Ziska | Journal: MDPI CLimate | Volume: 10 | Year: 2022 | doi:


  5. Description and evaluation of the tropospheric aerosol scheme in the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS-AER, cycle 47R1) of ECMWF

    This article describes the Integrated Forecasting System aerosol scheme (IFS-AER) used operationa...

    Remy S., Kipling Z., Huijnen V., Flemming J., Nabat P., Michou M., Ades M., Engelen R., Peuch V.-H. | Journal: Geoscientific Model Development | Volume: 15 (12) | Year: 2022 | First page: 4881 | Last page: 4912 | doi: 10.5194/gmd-15-4881-2022
