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First 1512 results for ” B Bass”

  1. Cloud Physical Products AVHRR / SEVIRI, Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document

    JF Meirink, R Roebeling, E Wolters, H Deneke | Year: 2010


  2. A daily weather generator based on a two-stage resampling algorithm

    A two-stage time-series resampling algorithm is presented that is capable of generating daily val...

    R Leander, TA Buishand | Status: published | Journal: J. Hydrol. | Volume: 374 | Year: 2009 | First page: 185 | Last page: 195 | doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.010


  3. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for A-FeatureMask (ATLAS)

    The atbd describes the Featuremask algorithm for the ATLID lidar signals onboard the EarthCARE sa...

    GJ van Zadelhoff, DP Donovan, S Berthier | Year: 2011


  4. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for Lidar Aerosol inversion

    The objective of this algorithm is to retrieve the aerosols optical properties (the extinction co...

    SB Berthier, DP Donovan, GJ van Zadelhoff | Year: 2011


  5. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for Ice product

    This document describes a procedure for estimating Ice Water Content (IWC) and Effective radius u...

    S Berthier, DP Donovan, GJ van Zadelhoff | Year: 2011
