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First 522 results for ”T Yang”

  1. Evaluation and intercomparison of global atmospheric transport models using 222Rn and other short-lived tracers

    DJ Jacob, MJ Prather, P.J. Rasch, R.L. Shia, YJ Balkanski, S.R. Beagley, DJ Bergmann, W.T. Blackshear, M Brown, M. Chiba, MP Chipperfield, J. de Grandpre, JE Dignon, J. Feichter, C Genthon, W.L. Grose, PS Kasibhatla, I. Kohler, MA Kritz, K. Law, JE Penner, M. Ramonet, CE Reeves, D.A. Rotman, DZ Stockwell, PFJ Van Velthoven, G. Verver, O Wild, H. Yang, P. Zimmermann | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 102 | Year: 1997 | First page: 5953 | Last page: 5970


  2. A research product for tropospheric NO2 columns from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer based on Peking University OMI NO2 algorithm

    Tropospheric vertical column densities (VCDs) of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) retrieved from sun-synchr...

    Yuhang Zhang, Jintai Lin, Jhoon Kim, Hanlim Lee, Junsung Park, Hyunkee Hong, Michel Van Roozendael, Francois Hendrick, Ting Wang, Pucai Wang, Qin He, Kai Qin, Yongjoo Choi, Yugo Kanaya, Jin Xu, Pinhua Xie, Xin Tian, Sanbao Zhang, Shanshan Wang, Siyang Cheng, Xinghong Cheng, Jianzhong Ma, Thomas Wagner, Robert Spurr, Lulu Chen, Hao Kong, and Mengyao Liu | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Technology | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | First page: 4643 | Last page: 4665 | doi:


  3. SDP 2.0 validation

    The SeaWinds Data Processor (SDP) generates ocean vector wind fields from the measurements of the...

    J Vogelzang | Year: 2008


  4. Probabilistic forecasts of winter thunderstorms around Schiphol Airport using Model Output Statistics

    The development and verification of a probabilistic forecast system for winter thunderstorms in t...

    A Slangen | Year: 2008 | Pages: 55


  5. Variational Quality Control in 2DVAR

    In this report various existing methods for variational quality control are compared.

    J Vogelzang | Year: 2008
