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First 97 results for ”TS Rhee”

  1. Vertical and horizontal distributions of the aerosol number concentration and size distribution over the nortern Indian Ocean

    M de Reus, J Williams, H Fisher, MP Scheele, J Ström | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2001 | First page: 28,629 | Last page: 28,641 | doi: 10.1029/2001JD900017


  2. The southeastern tropical atlantic sst bias investigated with a coupled atmosphere-ocean single-column model at a pirata mooring site

    Warm sea surface temperature (SST) biases in the tropical Atlantic Ocean form a longstanding prob...

    AL Deppenmeier, RJ Haarsma, C van Heerwaarden, W Hazeleger | Status: published | Journal: J. Climate | Year: 2020 | doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0608.1


  3. Objective analysis of precipitation observations during the Chernobyl episode

    Objective analysis of precipitation observations during the Chernobyl episode

    M.P. Scheele and G.H. Verve | Year: 1990 | Pages: 12


  4. Over de aanpassing van het nationale verspreidingsmodel van luchtverontreiniging voor hoge bronnen

    Over de aanpassing van het nationale verspreidingsmodel van luchtverontreiniging voor hoge bronnen

    A.A.M. Holtslag F.T.M. Nieuwstadt en M.P. Scheele | Year: 1984 | Pages: 30


  5. TR 4.1 Review of current knowledge on infrasonic waves

    The objective of this work package is the definition of the specifications of the ARISE advanced ...

    M Bittner, N Brachet, P Campus, L Eliasson, LG Evers, T Farges, S Gibbons, T Kvaerna, J Lastovicka, A Le Pichon, E Marhetti, C Pilger, M Ripepe, T Sindelarova, PSM Smets | Year: 2012
