ADM-Aeolus Mission, Guide on applying L2B processed winds
This document describes the possible ways to use the level 2 processed winds and the different ty...
J de Kloe, A Stoffelen | Year: 2007
Earth observation Water Cycle Multi-Mission Observation Strategy (WACMOS)
Observing and monitoring the different components of the global water cycle and their dynamics ar...
Z Su, RA Roebeling, P Stammes, P Wang, E Wolters, et. al | Journal: Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., | Volume: 7 | Year: 2011 | First page: 7899 | Last page: 7956 | doi: doi:10.5194/hessd-7-7899-2010
The Use of Ensembles in Space Weather Forecasting
In order to advance the use of ensembles in forecasting space weather events, the workshop Ensemb...
JA Guerra, SA Murray, E Doornbos | Status: published | Journal: Space Weather | Volume: 18 | Year: 2020 | doi: 10.1029/2020SW002443
Evaluationofthreemainstreamnumericalweatherprediction modelswithobservationsfrommeteorological mastIJmuidenattheNorthSea
Numerical weather prediction models play an important role in the field of wind energy, for examp...
PC Kalverla, GJ Steeneveld, RJ Ronda, AAM Holtslag | Status: published | Journal: Wind Energy | Year: 2018 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/we.2267
Seismic interferometry applied to local fracture seismicity recorded at Planchón-Peteroa Volcanic Complex, Argentina-Chile
Although the Planchón-Peteroa Volcanic Complex (PPVC) has undergone many hazardous eruptions, onl...
JA Casas, D Draganov, GA Badi, MC Manassero, VH Olivera Craig, L Franco Marin, M Gomez, EN Ruigrok | Status: published | Journal: Journal of South American Earth Sciences | Volume: 92 | Year: 2019 | First page: 134 | Last page: 144 | doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2019.03.012