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First 1459 results for ” Manola Brunet”

  1. Evaluation of the highest temperature WMO region VI Europe (continental): 48.8°C, Siracusa Sicilia, Italy on August 11, 2021

    A maximum temperature of 48.8°C (119.8°F) was purportedly recorded for the automated station in S...

    Andrea Merlone, Luigi Pasotti, Chiara Musacchio, Pierre Bessemoulin, Manola Brunet, Khalid El Faldi, Philip Jones, Gerard van der Schrier, Adriano Raspanti, Blair Trewin, Dan Krahenbuhl, Randall Cerveny | Journal: Int. J. Climatol. | Volume: 44 | Year: 2024 | First page: 721 | Last page: 728 | doi:


  2. Drivers of North Atlantic Oscillation Events

    I Manola, RJ J. Haarsma, W Hazeleger | Status: published | Journal: Tellus | Volume: 65 | Year: 2013 | doi:


  3. The ocean-atmosphere response to wind-induced thermocline changes in the tropical South Western Indian Ocean

    In the Indian Ocean basin the sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are most sensitive to changes in th...

    I Manola, FM Selten, W de Ruijter, W Hazeleger | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Volume: 45 | Year: 2015 | First page: 989 | Last page: 1007 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-014-2338-7


  4. 'Waveguidability' of idealized jets

    I Manola, F Selten, H de Vries, W Hazeleger | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 118 | Year: 2013 | First page: 10432 | Last page: 10440 | doi: DOI: 10.1002/jgrd.50758


  5. Observed Global Changes in Sector-Relevant Climate Extremes Indices—An Extension to HadEX3

    Global gridded data sets of observed extremes indices underpin assessments of changes in climate ...

    Robert J. H. Dunn, Nicholas Herold, Lisa V. Alexander, Markus G. Donat, Rob Allan, Margot Bador, Manola Brunet, Vincent Cheng, Wan Maisarah Wan Ibadullah, Muhammad Khairul Izzat Bin Ibrahim, Andries Kruger, Hisayuki Kubota, Tanya J. R. Lippmann, Jose Marengo, Sifiso Mbatha, Simon McGree, Sandile Ngwenya, Jose Daniel Pabon Caicedo, Andrea Ramos, Jim Salinger, Gerard van der Schrier, Arvind Srivastava, Blair Trewin, Ricardo Vásquez Yáñez, Jorge Vazquez-Aguirre, Claudia Villaroel Jiménez, Russ Vose, Mohd Noor’Arifin Bin Hj Yussof, Xuebin Zhang | Journal: Earth and Space Science | Volume: 11 | Year: 2024 | First page: e2023EA003279 | doi:
