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First 377 results for ” C Sabine”

  1. Sharply increased mass loss from glaciers and ice caps in the Canadian Artic Archipelago

    AS Gardner, G Moholdt, B Wouters, GJ Wolken, DO Burgess, MJ Sharp, JG Cogley, C Braun, C Labine | Status: accepted | Journal: Nature | Year: 2011


  2. Bridging the Seismic Monitoring Gap around Saba, St. Eustatius, and St. Maarten in the Caribbean Netherlands: The NA Network

    The seismic network NA (Caribbean Netherlands Seismic Network) in the Caribbean Netherlands is de...

    Reinoud Sleeman and Elske de Zeeuw‐van Dalfsen | Journal: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | Year: 2022 | doi: 10.1785/0120220126


  3. Cross‐Correlation Analysis of Long‐Term Ambient Seismic‐Noise Recordings in the Caribbean Netherlands to Monitor the Volcanoes on Saba and St. Eustatius

    The continuous recordings of broadband seismometers on Saba and St. Eustatius in the Lesser Antil...

    R Sleeman, E de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen | Status: published | Journal: Seismological Society of America | Volume: 110 (5) | Year: 2020 | First page: 2541 | Last page: 2558 | doi: 10.1785/0120200011


  4. Couplings Between Changes in the Climate System and Biogeochemistry

    KL Denman, G Brasseur (Coordinating Lead Authors), A Chidthaisong, P Ciais, PM Cox, RE Dickinson, D Hauglustaine, C Heinze, E Holland, D Jacob, U Lohmann, S Ramachandran, PL da Silva Dias, SC Wofsy, X. Zhang (Lead Authors), D Archer, V Arora, J Austin, D Baker, JA Berry, R Betts, G Bonan, P Bousquet, J Canadell, J Christian, DA Clark, M Dameris, F Dentener, D Easterling, V Eyring, J Feichter, P Friedlingstein, I Fung, S Fuzzi, S Gong, N Gruber, A Guenther, K Gurney, A Henderson-Sellers, J House, A Jones, C Jones, B Kärcher, M Kawamiya, K Lassey, C Le Quéré, C Leck, J Lee-Taylor, Y Malhi, K Masarie, G McFiggans, S Menon, JB Miller, P Peylin, A Pitman, J Quaas, M Raupach, P Rayner, G Rehder, U Riebesell, C Rödenbeck, L Rotstayn, N Roulet, C Sabine, MG Schultz, M Schulz, SE Schwartz, W Steffen, D Stevenson, Y Tian, KE Trenberth, T van Noije, O Wild, T Zhang, L Zhou (Contributing Authors) | Year: 2007


  5. Wind waves in the Global Ocean Observing System

    V Swail, GJ Komen, V Ryabinin, M Holt, PK Taylor, J Bidlot | Year: 2001
