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First 705 results for ” C Servais”

  1. Analysis of stratospheric NO2 trends above Jungfraujoch using ground-based UV-visible, FTIR, and satellite nadir observations

    F Hendrick, E Mahieu, GE Bodeker, KF Boersma, MP Chipperfield, M De Maziere, I De Smedt, P Demoulin, C Fayt, C Hermans, K Kreher, B Lejeune, G Pinardi, C Servais, RJ van der A | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2012 | First page: 8851 | Last page: 8864 | doi: 10.5194/acp-12-8851-2012


  2. Service Prospectus

    RJ van der A | Year: 2005


  3. Service Report UV

    RJ van der A | Year: 2005


  4. Chaos and coupling : a coupled atmosphere ocean-boxmodel for coupled behaviour studies

    Chaos and coupling : a coupled atmosphere ocean-boxmodel for coupled behaviour studies

    G Zondervan | Year: 1996 | Pages: 49


  5. Service Report Air Pollution

    RJ van der A, et al. | Year: 2005
