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First 2062 results for ” CG Wellemeijer”

  1. Influence of clouds on ozone measurements obtained by satellite spectrometry

    R Koelemeijer | University: Ph. D. Thesis, Amsterdam | Year: 2001


  2. Application of spectral fitting method top GOME and comparison with OMI-DOAS and TOMS-V8 total ozone

    K Yang, PK Bhartia, CG Wellemeijer, W Qin, RJD Spurr, JP Veefkind, JF de Haan | Conference: XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium | Organisation: University of Athens | Place: Athens | Year: 2004 | First page: 510 | Last page: 511


  3. Wind- en temperatuurprofielen gemeten tijdens vliegtuiglandingen

    Wind- en temperatuurprofielen gemeten tijdens vliegtuiglandingen 

    F. Cannemeijer | Year: 1976 | Pages: 31


  4. Effecten van vergaand klimaatbeleid op luchtverontreiniging in Europa

    R Koelemeijer, F Sauter, C Chuwah, M Poschj | Journal: Tijdschrift Lucht | Year: 2012 | First page: 19 | Last page: 24


  5. Cloud thermodynamic phase determination from near-infrared spectra of reflected sunlight.

    WH Knap, P Stammes, RBA Koelemeijer | Status: published | Journal: J. Atmos. Sci. | Volume: 59 | Year: 2002 | First page: 83 | Last page: 96
