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First 565 results for ” D Caro”

  1. Decadal record of satellite carbon monoxide observations

    H Worden, ATJ de Laat, et al. | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 13 | Year: 2013 | First page: 837 | Last page: 850 | doi: doi:10.5194/acp-13-837-2013


  2. drought and ecosystem carbon cycling

    bjjm van den hurk | Status: published | Journal: Agric. and Forest Met. | Volume: 151 | Year: 2011 | First page: 765 | Last page: 773 | doi: doi:10.5194/hess-15-2621-2011


  3. Drought and ecosystem carbon cycling

    Drought as an intermittent disturbance of the water cycle interacts with the carbon cycle differe...

    MK van der Molen, and coauthors, including, BJJM van den Hurk | Status: accepted | Journal: Agric. and Forest Met. | Year: 2011 | doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.01.018


  4. Seismische dreiging voor de Nederlandse Cariben

    De Nederlandse Cariben liggen in een gebied waar regelmatig aardbevingen plaatsvinden. Dit komt d...

    P. Kruiver, E. de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen | Year: 2024


  5. Seismic hazard for the Dutch Caribbean

    The Dutch Caribbean are located in a region where earthquakes are common. This is due to the tect...

    Pauline Kruiver, Elske van Dalfsen | Year: 2025
