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First 338 results for ” DS Hamilton”

  1. Salmon's Hamiltonian approach to balanced flow applied to a one-layer isentropic model of the atmosphere

    Salmon's Hamiltonian approach is applied to formulate a balanced approximation to a hydrostatic o...

    WTM Verkley | Status: published | Journal: Quart. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc. | Volume: 127 | Year: 2000 | First page: 579 | Last page: 600


  2. Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to Characterize Induced Earthquakes: Application to a ML 3.4 Event in the Groningen Gas Field and the Role of Prior

    The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm is known to be highly efficient when sampling high-dimensio...

    La Ode Marzujriban Masfara, Cornelis Weemstra | Journal: Earth and Space Science | Volume: 11 | Year: 2024 | doi: 10.1029/2023EA003184


  3. Evaluation of global simulations of aerosol particle number and cloud condensation nuclei, and implications for cloud droplet formation

    A total of 16 global chemistry transport models and general circulation models have participated ...

    G Fanourgakis, M Kanakidou, A Nenes, SE Bauer, T Bergman, KS Carslaw, A Grini, DS Hamilton, JS Johnson, VA Karydis, A Kirkevåg, JK Kodros, U Lohmann, G Luo, R Makkonen, H Matsui, D Neubauer, JR Pierce, J Schmale, P Stier, K Tsigaridis, T van Noije, H Wang, D Watson-Parris, DM Westervelt, Y Yang, M Yoshioka, N Daskalakis, S Decesari, M Gysel-Beer, N Kalivitis, X Liu, NM Mahowald, S Myriokefalitakis, R Schrödner, M Sfakianaki, AP Tsimpidi, M Wu, M., F Yu | Status: published | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 19 | Year: 2019 | First page: 8591 | Last page: 8617 | doi: 10.5194/acp-19-8591-2019


  4. Mean circulation nand internal variability in the Hamburg Ocean Primitive Equation (HOPE) Model.

    A primitive equation World Ocean model has been integrated with restoring boundary conditions to ...

    SS Drijfhout, C Heinze, M Latif, E Maier-Reimer | Status: published | Journal: J. Phys. Oceanogr. | Volume: 26 | Year: 1996 | First page: 559 | Last page: 580 | doi: 10.1175/1520-0485(1996)026<0559:MCAIVI>2.0.CO;2


  5. Tracing the conveyor belt in the Hamburg LSG ocean general circulation model.

    SS Drijfhout, E Maier-Reimer, U Mikolajewicz | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 101 | Year: 1996 | First page: 22563 | Last page: 22575 | doi: 10.1029/96JC02162
