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First 234 results for ” E Wolfram”

  1. Wolkentaferelen

    R van Dorland | Journal: Zenit | Year: 2002 | First page: 295


  2. Ozone ProfilE Retrieval Algorithm (OPERA) for nadir-looking satellite instruments in the UV-VIS

    For the retrieval of the vertical distribution of ozone in the atmosphere the Ozone ProfilE Retri...

    JCA van Peet, RJ van der A, ONE Tuinder, E Wolfram, J Salvador, PF Levelt, H Kelder | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 7 | Year: 2014 | First page: 859 | Last page: 876 | doi: 10.5194/amt-7-859-2014


  3. Licht op wolken - Toepassing van de LIDAR in de meteorologie

    Wolken zijn niet alleen fascinerend om naar te kijken maar spelen ook een belangrijke rol in ons ...

    H Klein Baltink, W Wauben, M de Haij | Journal: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde | Year: 2010


  4. Some sensitivities of a coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM

    A coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM is being developed for use in seasonal forecasting. As part of the...

    T Stockdale, M Latif, G Burgers, JO Wolfff | Status: published | Journal: Tellus | Volume: 46A | Year: 1994 | First page: 367 | Last page: 381 | doi: 10.1034/j.1600-0870.1994.t01-3-00004.x


  5. Baroclinic waves with parameterized effects of moisture interpreted using Rossby wave components

    A theoretical framework is developed for the evolution of baroclinic waves with latent heat relea...

    H de Vries, J Methven, THA Frame, BJ Hoskins | Status: accepted | Journal: J. Atmos. Sci. | Year: 2010
